i have searched and searched and searched and searched for ANYTHING on my father online.
in a day and age when EVERYTHING is online weather we want it to be or not...youd think this name would show up on someones family tree. yet, with all my searches i can never find the name as his records state his name is spelled.
i do, however, find another ROBERT MANNING with the middle name not spelled : Alan, but ALLEN. on almost every search i hit.
online in FAMILYSEARCH.org THIS robert happens to be listed AND it has a name fr me to email for more info..
so..i did:
"hi, my name is Michelle Alane Manning Williamson. I was born in california in 1967, to my mother Gay Joanne Suiter, and a man I have never known by the name of Robert Alan Manning.
I don’t know if this will lead me anywhere. I have searched online, in every single site for my fathers name, and every time I do, im lead to the closest match which happens to be your Robert Allen (different spelling) Manning.
my father was born sometime in the 30s, he was a bit older than my mother who was born in 35.
he was blond, and blue eyed.
on my birth certificate it states he claimed he was born in Hong Kong, my mother said that was false and he was born in San Francisco.
he and my mother were together about 2 years before he either left us, or my mom took me away.
we lived in Van Nuys California.
I was given the middle name Alane as a homage for my fathers middle name Alan. could have been Allen. id probably still be Alane. just with 2 “L”s instead.
after 1969 I have no idea what ever became of him, or who he was with, or if there are any other children after me.
my mother told me, and this doesn’t mean its true, that his mother was married several times, and his father was military and supposedly killed himself in texas(?).
he supposedly has a half brother named Jessie/Jessy/ Jesse.
you’re the ONLY name I can resource as being the one to ask about this man. he comes up on no other family tree anywhere else, unless the same tree is on other sites, but this man you have listed is the ONLY name I find even remotely close to being MY dad.
id SO love to able to fill my family tree out with names, of my relatives on his side of the tree, looks pretty blank when theres just one lowly leaf there
sent it of, now well just wait for some reply (if any)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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